Dreamline Wheelchairs & Wheelchair Seating is manufactured by Rolapal Ltd in Auckland New Zealand.

Check out Rolapal.co.nz/distributors/ page to & phone the importer to locate the nearest dealer in you region.

You can find the distributor for your region here: Rolapal.co.nz/distributor/… contact them & they will put you in contact with your nearest dealer.

Yes. Go to our downloads page for the instructions for use manuals. 

Dreamline Wheelchair Seats are available in six colours other than the standard issue black. The colours are Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Pink, Yellow & Grey.

Dreamline Wheelchair Seating has enormous adjustability, making it very easy to include growth capability when scripting. Use the Dreamline Backrest Growth Kit which gives an extra 4” height adjustability to the backrest.

Yes you can! All covers including, cushion, backrest, medial thigh support, hip guides, armrests, trunk laterals, headrest & harness protector sleeves are all easily removable for machine washing. Drip dry only & ensure they are fully dry before re-installing. Do not use harsh cleaners as these can break down the integrity of the fabric.

No. Dreamline Wheelchair Seating & Woven Air do not require any ongoing maintenance. Just perform regular checks to ensure no bolts or screws have loosened.

Yes, Rolapal regularly sends seating components to a certified university in the US which crash tests the seating to both ISO 16840-4 & WC20 standards.

Seat Pan

    • 5mm Allen Key (clamps)
    • 4mm Allen Key (width adjustment)


    • 5mm Allen Key (clamps)
    • 10mm Spanner (backrest depth, height, width & angle)


    • 4mm Allen key (adjustment & pad attachment)
    • 2.5mm Allen Key (Saddleback angle adjustment)
    • 10mm Spanner (lateral to backrest)


    • 4mm Allen Key (adjustment)
    • 10mm Spanner (attachment to backrest)

Hip Guides / Armrests

    • 10mm Spanner (bracket to seat pan & armrest pad)
    • 4mm Allen key (adjustment)

Medial Thigh Support

    • 10mm Spanner (attachment to seat pan & height adjustment)
    • 4mm Allen Key (pad attachment)

18 months.

Yes, Dreamline cushions & backrests go all the way down to fit 8” wide wheelchairs.

Yes, some of the cushion ranges go up to 24” wide & sizing can be customized to suit thereafter. Dreamline backrests go up to 20” wide but can be customized to suit larger heavier users.

Take body measurements (not skeletal).

    1. For the depth of the wheelchair cushion, allow two finger spaces (25mm) behind the knee & measure to the back of the pelvis including any flaccid tissue. This is the seat depth. Sometimes extra is allowed for growth if it can sit under the backrest and will not encourage the pelvis to migrate forwards.
    2. For the width measurement
      • Measure the patient at the knees from the outside of one to the outside of the other. Then measure across the hips including any flaccid tissue. The wider of these to measurements is the patient width. Keep the cushion & wheelchair width close to the individual’s body measurement width for active users. Users who require more deeper lateral support contouring allow an extra 1.5” each side for the ideal cushion width (3” overall).
    3. Finding the wheelchair width
      • Wheelchairs are often measured in imperial (inches). The wheelchair frame width is the measurement from the outside of one seat rail to the outside of the other.
    4. Cushion height
      • Normally, keeping the individual’s centre of gravity as low as possible is preferrable but you need to consider the lower leg length. Dreamline Wheelchair Cushions height can be customised as required.

Go to Rolapal.co.nz/distributors/ and select the importer in your region. The importer will be able to guide you to your closest dealer.

For the width measurement

Measure the patient at the knees from the outside of one to the outside of the other. Then measure across the hips including any flaccid tissue. The wider of these to measurements is the patient width. Keep the cushion & wheelchair width close to the individual’s body measurement width for active users. Users who require more deeper lateral support contouring allow an extra 1.5” each side for the ideal cushion width (3” overall).

The tilt function on tilt-in-space wheelchairs has many important uses; from transferring weight for pressure reduction, to levelling the seat on uneven ground, from assisting with patient transfers to feeding, breathing, head control & user relaxation. Anterior Tilt is used for standing transfers, functional reach, partial weight bearing, spinal extension through extensor stimulation, managing tone & abnormal reflexes & physiological bodily functions. Elbow blocks are useful when used in conjunction with a tilt-in-space wheelchair as they block the arms falling backwards off the armrests when in tilt. See the Dreamline Rola Tilt-in-space wheelchair here: Rolapal.co.nz/wheelchairs/…

On the cushion you will find it on the underside of the foam inner at the rear of the cushion & on the backrest it is on the inside of the backrest shell at the top.

Yes, Dreamline Wheelchair Seating can be customized in many different ways for asymmetries or more personal fit to the user.

Dreamline Wheelchair Backrests are known for their comfort & support. This is because each backrest has a generous depth of high resilient foam overlaid with a Sunmate viscoelastic then crafted into a form which allows enhanced breathability & pressure redistribution. The covers have 4-way stretch to enable more immersion into the foam inner.

First you choose the level of support you require. More active individuals prefer a lower, shallower less restrictive backrest, & as the degree of sitting ability reduces the height of the backrest & depth of contour increases until the backrest is at shoulder height for less active users requiring more support. Active users prefer a one-piece backrest shell so it requires minimal adjustment while a less active user may need more adjustability with lateral positioning for enhanced propping.

Wheelchair backrests should only be installed by a qualified therapist or experienced seating technician as the wheelchair backrest affects the way we sit for long periods, impacts the efficiency of propelling, vision, spinal extension & more.

Yes, Rolapal sends its cushions to an appropriate university in the US for ISO testing for immersion, lateral stability, pressure redistribution etc.

Cushions which have a low contour profile are easier to self-transfer onto & off. Consider the following cushions from the Dreamline range:

  • Dreamline Assist Cushion
  • Dreamline Support Cushion
  • Dreamline S3 Cushion
  • Dreamline S5 Cushion
  • Dreamline G7 Cushion
  • Woven Air cushion
  • Sprint Cushion

  • Dreamline Contour Cushion
  • Dreamline STX2 cushion

  • Dreamline S3 Cushion (fluid Gel)
  • Dreamline S5 Cushion (fluid Gel)
  • Dreamline G7 Cushion (fluid Gel)
  • Dreamline STX2 Cushion (fluid Gel)
  • Woven Air Cushion (air)
  • Sprint Cushion (air)

The useful life period of a Dreamline wheelchair cushion should be from 3 – 5 years. 

Most wheelchair cushions have areas which they perform best in. The following Dreamline wheelchair cushions are adjustable for asymmetrical postures.

  • Dreamline Assist Cushion – pelvic obliquity.
  • Dreamline Support Cushion – pelvic obliquity
  • Dreamline Contour Cushion
  • Dreamline G7 Cushion – pelvic rotation, pelvic obliquity, 
  • Dreamline STX2 Cushion (advanced complex asymmetrical positioning)
  • Woven Air cushion (when used in conjunction with the contour base accessory).
  • Sprint Cushion

So long as the cushion foam inner is protected from fluids, Dreamline Wheelchair cushions do not require any ongoing maintenance apart from washing the covers. If the foam inner becomes wet, remove the covers & air dry immediately (fluids can break down the integrity of foam). Do not re-install the covers until the foam inner is completely dry.

The best wheelchair cushions for pressure relief are cushions which include Fluids or air which dynamically redistribute weight away from areas of higher pressure. Specialized engineered fabrics are used in the covers which provide a large amount of stretch in any direction (4-way stretch) to allow the cushion to conform to the user & provide more immersion. Rolapal Gel Fluid & Air cushions can be found here.
